Monday, March 22, 2010

Actively Trusting....

I want to trust the Lord - with my future, with my life.. but I struggle with what that really means.. what's that look like? how do I do that? I'm a do-er.. I'm a Martha... so when I say I'm gonna trust the Lord with a situation I agonize about what that really looks like...

So I decided that in my current situation I wasn't going to just trust - I was going to ACTIVELY TRUST.. for whatever reason that made trust feel more purposeful, more DO-ing.. more, well, active! And it worked! After about a week on the market my house sold and I had a signed contract on a house I wanted to buy! It felt great! God is good! yeah! Hallelujah!

And then I found out the buyer of my house backed out due to issues with my current house.. so not only did I lose the sale of my house, I also lost the house I wanted to buy and was now facing potentially major bills... all of a sudden God didn't seem so, well... fabulous... it wasn't that He seemed bad, just kinda - well, not around, or unaware, or something.. and yet the stubborn, faith-filled part of me was determined to believe that God is ALWAYS good - not just when I am happy with the result - but ALL THE TIME. These are the times our faith is tested, and proved, and made our own. I awoke the next morning and the verse and song line "my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory" (Phil 4:19) played over and over in my heart... The Lord had given me peace. But as soon as others would ask about the situation I would start to complain, building up the bad parts (once a drama queen!!) and getting myself a bit more unhinged with each conversation... He gave me peace but I was giving it back! Oh why are our hearts so unfaithful?!? I determined I wasn't going to complain, but I was going to testify to my trust in God, my believe that He has a plan and that He will guide me.

Up and down.. one step forward, two steps back.... that conviction was on Saturday.. today is Monday and I'm needing to remind myself again Who is in control... it's not me.. As my Mom told me, this business of taking every thought captive is exhausting! And it's vitally important! I need to actively trust Him - trust that He will guide me.. trust that if I get it wrong but am really trying to do the right thing, I need to trust that He will fix it.. He's quite capable, and very creative... and amazingly He loves me... not sure why - I'm sure I drive Him crazy at times with all my analysis and questions, trying to figure out what He's up to.. trying to trace His path, anticipate where He's leading..

Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and his paths beyond tracing out!
- Romans 11:33

so He reminds me that His paths are BEYOND tracing out, His judgments are unsearchable.. so I need to just rest and wait for His next prompting...

How refreshing! His yoke IS easy, and the burden He asks us to carry IS light! Let me not make it difficult and heavy, but only accept those things You would have me carry...

Thank you Lord!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Gracious Hand of the Lord....

I read the phrase and something about it just "clicked".

As a numbers-girl words aren't my first love, but there are times when particular collections of words fascinate me... and that's what happened about 10 days ago. I was reading the book of Ezra, and after coming across the phrase 5 times in chapters 7 and 8, I started to take notice. The phrase in the New Living Translation is "the gracious hand of the Lord".

I love the word gracious - it implies a gentleness, kindness and abundance. I started a mental list of the ways the Lord's gracious hand had been upon me in the past few weeks - the bubbling up of hope, the reemergence of my "old self", the Valentine's Day (week!) invitations I received, my boss's encouraging comments and extra time spent with my joyful "sparkly" 2 1/2 year old niece. I really lived this verse:
I felt encouraged because the gracious hand of the Lord my God was on me.
- Ezra 7:28

Then this week happened.

Sunday night my Dad was rushed to the hospital.

While he's had CLL (Chronic lymphocytic leukemia) for 13.5 years, this past year the disease has become more aggressive (or his immune system has weakened). He had completed 4 of 6 rounds of chemo, but he was having trouble bouncing back - he was just so tired. When the ambulance arrived at my parents' house Dad's blood pressure was very low (80/50), and at the hospital his blood counts were at dangerous levels (no red blood cells, platelet count was 1). My mother and sister Carrie didn't leave the hospital until 5am Monday.

Monday was spent pulling the family together - my sister Chrissie drove to get our grandmother from a town about an hour away. Our sister Sarah flew in from Florida. We visited Dad in the hospital - he was in critical condition in intensive care (ICU).

And so I thought ok, my time of enjoyment of the Lord's graciousness is over...

and yet... it wasn't... the gracious hand of the Lord was evident even in the midst of this scary time... the medics who were so gentle taking Dad out of the house and into the ambulance.. due to calling 911, Dad was admitted more quickly than if we had brought him in ourselves - and he was taken to a different hospital, one that is closer than where he'd been going, and in better condition - and one that wasn't on their insurance but because it was an emergency it was covered - thank you Lord! The Lord even worked thru each of our employers who were flexible and gentle with me and my sisters.

Tuesday we were encouraged - he looked better, his blood pressure had stabilized, his counts were increasing, and they were planning to transfer him from the ICU to the oncology floor. So I went to a friend's "Valentine Girls Night In" party and had a wonderful time. I planned to go back to work on Wednesday.

Wednesday morning there was a call from the hospital at 5am - he had stopped breathing - they had to put him on a ventilator. We rushed over to see him - he wasn't responding - we didn't know if he could hear us, and they had to restrain his arms so he wouldn't pull the breathing tube out - it was heartbreaking. We met with lots of different doctors. Talked to palliative/hospice representatives. Looked over Dad's medical directives (living will). Scary stuff.

and still - the Lord's gracious hand remained upon us.. due to the seriousness of the situation the normal visiting hours didn't apply, so we were all able to be there together... we all had some individual time with Dad - not sure if he heard us but it was precious time.. the doctors who came to talk to us were attentive and spoke in words we could understand, even though they had no explantion for what caused Dad's downturn... one of the pastors from church spent hours with us in the waiting room - praying with and for us and with Dad... friends arrived just to sit with us and play with my niece... our cellphones worked and via texts and facebook we were able to communicate and get out the calls for prayer... and we even had a surprise visit from a pastor in a town about 3 hours away - it had been ~15 years since they lived in that town!

Thursday it appeared that Dad has stabilized - they were weaning him off the ventilator. After visiting him we went back to work. That evening I went to my women's Bible study where I was uplifted, prayed for and encouraged.

At this point we were most concerned about Dad's comfort - we wanted to get him home - to rearrange things at my parents' house to accommodate whatever he'd need, including nurses/medical help at home. The gracious hand of the Lord was gently guiding me thru a process of accepting that Dad might not get better. Had my father died Sunday night I would not have been ready - would have been too much of a shock.. but sitting down with doctors and his living will helped my mind get wrapped around this new concept.

Then the phone rang at 4am Friday - it was my Mom - the hospital had called and Dad's blood pressure was dropping, and if we wanted closure we should come in... so off we went - but when we got to the hospital we were told that he was already gone.

and yet, the Lord continues to be Faithful - His gracious hand is upon us even in our grief... the peace that passes understanding is upon us... we shifted into "task mode" as friends poured in to offer a shoulder to cry on, assistance, food and prayers.... people were contacted, funeral arrangements made, services planned, a remembrance website developed.. hard to believe this all happened today...

In my car on the way to a planning meeting at the funeral home I came across a cassette from 1996 where my father talked to college students about how to live as a Christian in the work world. It was comforting to hear his voice.. and precious to hear him describe his life's verse
Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve... But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
- Joshua 24:15
Yes, the gracious hand of the Lord continues to rest upon me and my family... because of the choice that my Dad made on 2-14-1978 to serve the Lord and accept Him (he liked to say that the Lord gave him a new heart on Valentine's Day!), we have hope that we'll see him again one day.. if not for the Lord, this grief would overwhelm and consume us... if not for the hope that this life is not all there is, how could we go on? But we have hope - so we imagine Dad dancing on the streets of gold - no longer hooked up to any tubes or monitors, no longer hindered by sickness, his booming trademark "Amen!" echoing down the streets, and picturing his delight at enjoying his favorite pastime - surf-casting (salt-water fishing) - and Peter showing him all the best spots..
now heaven seems more real - that much closer and more precious since my beloved "Poppy" is among those living in glory....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bubbling Up...

I felt it bubble up

as I sat at the restaurant Sunday night talking to two great friends...

it was subtle at first, I didn't even notice it...

but then it just popped up into my consciousness...


I felt hope and excitement and not dread of the future for the first time in months.

It felt great!

May the God of hope
fill you with all joy and peace
as you trust in Him,
so that you may overflow with hope

by the power of the Holy Spirit.

- Romans 15:13

I love that God is not only a God of love and joy and peace, but that He's also a God of HOPE...

Merriam-Webster defines hope in these ways:
: to cherish a desire with anticipation <hopes for a promotion>
: to desire with expectation of obtainment
: to expect with confidence : trust

To me hope isn't about anything changing in my circumstances - it's akin to faith, which Hebrews 11:1 defines as "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see". Hope is an attitude of my heart - a belief that God has good things in store for me.

I knew these facts in my head, but Sunday night the truths reached my heart.


Thank you Lord!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Error message

I've been having problems with my computer lately - it won't shut down - keep getting this message "Unable to launch restart.exe".... as I sat at my desk closing the 20 instances of this error that had popped up and tried to coax my exhausted computer into shutting down I looked again at the error message and wondered if the message wasn't meant for me...

I feel stuck.. I feel like I'm unable to launch restart.. I am struggling with "starting over" - with creating or picking up my life again as a "single"... yes, I've always been single, but for about 18 glorious months I was part of a couple.... it was fun wondering what "we" we going to to next weekend.. where "we" were going to spend the holidays.. we went ring shopping (his idea!), we worked on projects to get each of our homes ready to sell, looked at open houses and talked about timing of when to get married, etc. I think that's why I was so stunned/blindsided when I learned that the man I was planning a future with was planning his future without me. I didn't see it coming. In fact, on that fateful day 10 weeks ago I thought he was going to propose... he suggested we go to a beautiful estate/garden, and as we sat on a bench overlooking a meadow on a bright October Sunday afternoon I thought for the first time that he was going to propose - and I was so happy because I was having a good hair day, and I recalled that I had my camera in my purse so I could take pictures - I was happy that it was such a beautiful day and if I couldn't get married on the last weekend of October then getting engaged on that weekend was the next best thing... needless to say things didn't work out as I had hoped...

So I'm finding the transition from "we" to "me" much harder than I thought it'd be. I keep saying to myself ok, it's been awhile, I should be over this by now... but I'm not...

To fix my computer I have ordered additional memory... not sure that's gonna work to fix my heart...

Monday, October 27, 2008


Breakups hurt...

The initial pain, then the disbelief, then the shock...

I think I most dread all the questions... "how's your boyfriend?".... "are you really broken up?"... "what happened?"... Sometimes you are ready for the questions and are relieved for the chance to talk... but other times you're not ready - can't talk about it... and that's when it hits you all over again..

The tasks of breaking up: clean out calendar, put away/change pictures, change Facebook profile, delete speed-dial, put away jewelry/gifts, think - what is at his house that I need to get back, do I have anything of his? and what about his family - do you say anything to them?

It's much harder to clean out your hopes and dreams calendar, and to stop the slide shows of pictures in your heart..
"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet My unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor My covenant of peace be removed," says the Lord, who has compassion on you. - Isaiah 54:10
I'm so grateful to have a relationship with Someone that will never end....

It's at times like this that the song "Blessed Be Your Name" runs through my head... God is good all the time, not just when things work out the way I want.. I need to remember to run to Him - to bless Him...

Blessed be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where the streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your Name

Blessed be Your Name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed be Your Name

Every blessing you pour out,
I turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say...
Blessed be the Name of the Lord
Blessed be Your Name
Blessed be the Name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious Name

Blessed be Your Name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's all as it should be
Blessed be Your Name

Blessed be Your Name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your Name

Every blessing you pour out,
I turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say...
Blessed be the Name of the Lord
Blessed be Your Name
Blessed be the Name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious Name

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, Blessed be Your Name

Bless the Lord because it focuses your mind on Him.. yes your heart can be broken, but you want it to be safe.. and the safest place on earth is in His hands...